Burlingame, Calif., October 4, 2018  — Inflammatix today announced that it will present findings from two studies demonstrating the ability of its HostDx™ Fever test to distinguish bacterial from viral infections on multiple rapid laboratory platforms that can deliver results in under 30 minutes. The new data will be presented at the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) IDWeek™ 2018 taking place October 3-7, 2018, in San Francisco.

The HostDx Fever test is designed to help physicians differentiate acute bacterial and viral infections quickly and accurately in outpatient and urgent care settings. It uses gene expression data and bioinformatics to read the immune system response, rather than look for specific pathogens. The new data at IDWeek 2018 will demonstrate the company’s successful translation of its core technology onto rapid isothermal and PCR laboratory platforms, which can enable rapid results at or near the point of care.

“Acute infections are among the most frequent diagnoses in outpatient care settings, but they are challenging to diagnose, and current testing methods are inaccurate or too slow. As a result, infections are often blindly – and incorrectly – treated with antibiotics,” said Tim Sweeney, M.D., Ph.D., cofounder and chief executive officer of Inflammatix. “The HostDx Fever test is designed to help physicians quickly diagnose acute bacterial and viral infections in order to improve patient care, reduce healthcare costs and tackle the growing public health problem of antimicrobial resistance. The data we are presenting at IDWeek 2018 show that the genes comprising the HostDx Fever test can be accurately and rapidly measured across multiple rapid laboratory methods, potentially enabling broader access to the test.”

The following abstracts will be presented as posters at the IDWeek 2018 conference:

Title: Taqman multiplex PCR of a seven-gene host biomarker to discriminate bacterial from viral infections (Abstract #72231)
Presenter: Wensheng Nie, Ph.D., Inflammatix
Date/Time: Saturday, October 6, 12:30-1:45 p.m. Pacific Time
Session: Diagnostics: Biomarkers and Novel Approaches
Location: Moscone Convention Center, Hall C, Poster #2016

Title: An ultra-rapid host response assay to discriminate between bacterial and viral infections using quantitative isothermal gene expression analysis (Abstract #72198)
Presenter: David C. Rawling, Ph.D., Inflammatix
Date/Time: Saturday, October 6, 12:30-1:45 p.m. Pacific Time
Session: Diagnostics: Biomarkers and Novel Approaches
Location: Moscone Convention Center, Hall C, Poster #2021

About the HostDx Fever Test

The HostDx Fever test helps determine whether a suspected infection is likely bacterial or viral. The test uses novel, validated technology to measure the expression levels of select host immune genes in blood samples and then applies proprietary algorithms to produce clinically actionable and timely results. The HostDx Fever test’s technology has been validated in 24 cohorts of over 1,000 patients with suspected infection. The test has demonstrated a high sensitivity for bacterial infection (94 percent) and high negative predictive value (97 percent) and its performance was consistent regardless of the infection subtype, clinical setting and time of the year.

About Inflammatix

Inflammatix is a molecular diagnostics company that is developing rapid tests that read the immune system, enabling improved patient care and reducing major public health burdens. The company’s initial focus is on acute bacterial and viral infections, and sepsis, where its HostDx Sepsis and HostDx Fever tests will allow physicians to quickly get the right treatments to the right patients, reducing morbidity and mortality, health system costs, and antibiotic resistance. While current tests diagnose infections by “finding the bug” – an approach that misses the 70 percent of infections that never enter the bloodstream – Inflammatix evaluates the body’s immune system response to provide more accurate and faster diagnosis. Its scientific approach has been validated in over 20 independent cohorts involving over 1,000 patients and published in leading medical journals. The privately held, Burlingame, Calif.-based company is funded by Khosla Ventures, Think.Health, Stanford-StartX Fund and grants from the federal government. For more information, please visit www.inflammatix.com and follow the company on Twitter (@Inflammatix_Inc).

Media Contacts

For Inflammatix:
Tracy Morris
[email protected]