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Our products are in development, are not for sale, and do not have marketing approval or clearance from regulatory authorities in any jurisdiction.

TriVerity Acute Infection and Sepsis Test

Testing designed to fit how emergency medicine physicians evaluate hard to diagnose patients

Inflammatix Adds Three MedTech Industry Veterans to Executive Leadership Team

inflammatix analysis

Our products are in development, are not for sale, and do not have marketing approval or clearance from regulatory authorities in any jurisdiction.

Interpreting the immune response, the TriVerity test informs on key clinically actionable questions:

  • infection iconDoes the patient have a bacterial or viral infection or a noninfectious condition?
  • severity iconIs the patient likely to need ICU-level intervention?

The power of the immune response to diagnose acute infections and sepsis

Emergency departments across the US routinely see patients suspected of acute infection and sepsis

In up to half of these patients, physicians struggle to make proper diagnosis and prognosis and would welcome novel tools to assist them.1

20 million ill
20 million patients visit the emergency department each year suspected of an acute infection2
1.7M people are affected by sepsis
1.7 million patients diagnosed with sepsis3


Expertise in interpreting the immune response

Inflammatix host response diagnostics are powered by ‘reading’ the immune system. Our immune system has developed targeted responses to different types of infections and other diseases over millions of years of evolution.

Leveraging our expertise in bioinformatics, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, and molecular biology, we are harnessing the ability to interpret the immune response to develop tests aimed to help physicians make confident and timely clinical decisions.

infection animation
Most infections are locally contained and do not penetrate into the bloodstream. This makes pathogen-targeting tests insensitive for infections. Immune cells fight the infection locally and then circulate into the blood, where we can measure their ‘signatures’ using mRNA profiles.

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